Importance of Ekadasi fast for Devotee

For every devotee of God Vishnu, Ekadasi fast have it's own value. Ekadasi's importance is mentioned in Hinduism's old scripture Puraana. In Sakandha Puraana Lord Vishnu said that

 "Na Asvamegha Sahasrais Ka Tirtha Koti Avagahanay
  Yat Phalam Prapyate Vatsa Dvadasi-Vasare Karate"
"Na  Bhavet Manasi Pida Rogas Katyanta Dukhadah
Mahatmyam Pathatah Pumso Dvadasi Sambhavam Kalau" 
It Translated as,
" whatever merit one achieves by fasting on Dvadasi (Ekadasi) day, one cannot achieve either by performing a horse sacrifice, or by going to millions of places of pilgrimage to take bath."
" if somebody studies the glories of Dvadasi (Ekadasi) on Ekadasi day, they do not suffer with mental problems and physical disease."
It is said that on Ekadasi devotee cook meal for lord Vishnu. Lord Visnu is most pleased with those who observe the Ekadasi Fast. Therefore anyone who does not observe the fast and eats grains on Ekadasi is said to eat sin, for he disobeys the Lord’s order and thus displeases Him. Thus, although Ekadasi fasting is good for health, it should be undertaken principally for the sake of pleasing Krishna. To observe Ekadasi Fast means to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


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